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Introduction to Marketing Basics

Provision of hints and tips to get you started and give you the confidence and autonomy to give things a go on your own. If you want a little be more of detailed overview, that's fine too.



  • What is it?

  • Does your business need it?  How do you know?

  • What's it's purpose?  

  • How much time does it take?


If you aren't actively marketing your business but it's been on your mind or tucked away on a To Do list somewhere, you are not alone.  Marketing has evolved at the same rate as the technology that encompasses it - that's fast!  Are you managing to keep up?


There is a lot of talk about Marketing but one thing is for certain, leaving leaflets in people's letterboxes is no longer the way to get the job done. If you are going to spend your valuable time Marketing to the world at large, there are a few key issues to consider before you get started.

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We are not a marketing agency.

We won't overwhelm you with strategies and options.


If you'd like we can provide you with some hints and tips and leave you to your own devices, or, if you want a little be more of detailed overview, that's fine too.

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